The terms Cardiac arrest and Heart Attack Are Two Names for the same ailment?
Do you know that victims of cardiac arrest can be saved if appropriate and immediate action is taken?
Have you heard about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)?
Are you aware of the technique / Process to do CPR?
Have you received any CPR Training?
Can CPR be performed by a laymen trained for it?
Are you aware that CPR can be done 'Compression Only Life Support (COLS) CPR'?
In adults, 'Compression Only Life Support (COLS)' CPR involves compressing lower third of the breast bone by 5-6 cm deep and at a rate of 120 per minute.
Anyone can Learn CPR.Anyone can Save a Life.
If you are willing to learn CPR, please contact IRC & you will be directed to nearest training center/ instructor ( or Visit ( to know more about CPR!